
The following testimonials have been posted with the full written permission of the patients who submitted them.

Geraldine R.

My name is Geraldine R. and I have been a patient of Dr. Sean Keefer for the past two years.  When I first came to Dr. Keefer’s office, I was suffering from lower back and left hip pain.  It was not easy for Dr. Keefer to get my body back in alignment since it took years to get that way.  My cure was not an overnight thing to relieve my pain; it took a lot of hard work and listening to Dr. Keefer’s instruction.  I know a lot of people hate to keeping going back, including myself, but thank God I listened to Dr. Keefer because he saved my life and relieved me of that severe pain.  Like most people when they feel better they quit going but for once I listened to Dr. Keefer and kept getting adjusted.  After a while I did not have to go so often because my hip was staying in place longer each time I went.  I now go once a month so I can stay aligned.  I am extremely grateful to Dr. Keefer for helping me because now I am able to work out every day and live my life to the fullest.  I am a very active woman in her seventies and want to stay that way.  So to ensure that I stay that way, I will continue to visit Dr. Keefer whenever I am out of alignment and once a month for the rest of my life even if I have to pay for it myself.  Your health is worth more than the cost of going to the doctor.

Pam G.

Writing this, I wonder how to explain what seeing Dr. Keefer has meant to our family.  It’s been five years since my husband had his stroke and brain surgeries.  He came out with left neglect syndrome which took away range of motion and gave him tremendous pain.  He tried pills, pain management and talked surgery.  Then he walked into Dr. Keefer’s office.  With one x-ray Dr. Keefer found the problem.  He had misalignments in his spine.  He started the treatment plan with massage and adjustments.  Five years later he is not on pills or in pain.  He has better quality of life than he hoped for.

I decided to start with adjustments and massage to learn that I felt better, was more centered and healthier feeling.  I got diverticulitis which caused a hole in my intestines leading to major surgery.  I kept up with massage and adjustments which helped me get back on my feet sooner.  I also had breast cancer and had surgery and radiation.  I made it through great due to the style of massages and adjustments I received.  They have also helped me find good vitamins that proven through blood work has improved my health.

They have also taken care of our daughter after a car accident to relieve her pain and get her back on her feet.  The office is friendly, caring, courteous and highly professional.  Highly recommended.

Donald H.

For most of my adult life, I suffered with bursitis pain in my shoulder.  Over the years, I have had many injections of cortisone, which gave temporary relief.  However, in my later years, I became diabetic and the cortisone injections caused major jumps in my blood glucose.

I finally decided to give chiropractic procedures a try and just dropped into Dr. Keefer’s office.  After discussing my problem with him, he assured me he could help me.  I began treatments and soon began to realize the significant improvement I was having.

One of the things I admire most about Dr. Keefer, is that he doesn’t push me and lets me help in deciding the frequency of my treatments.  He and his wife are wonderful people and and my wife and I enjoy interactions with them. (She is also a patient.)

Patty P.

I thought I was going to be plagued with chronic headaches for the rest of my life.  I suffered for over 20 years with neck pain that nearly crippled me.

Drs. Sean and Tracy Keefer have freed me from daily headaches and restricted movements by treating me with chiropractic therapy.

The Drs. Keefer are professional, caring and genuine, always taking time to explain and inform their patients about chiropractic care.  The quality of care at Keefer Chiropractic is unsurpassed in our area.  Dr. Sean and Dr. Tracy also take the time to get to know their patients on a personal level.

My life has changed more than I could ever put into words.  It is wonderful to wake up and NOT have pain.

Shalon T.

My daughter was diagnosed with an ear infection.  After 4 days of being on medication, her infection became worse, not better.  After mentioning it to this amazing chiropractic team, they insisted my daughter be adjusted.  I agreed.  She received one adjustment and the very next day she was feeling better.  After having her deal with pain for a week, it was a blessing to see her feeling better.

I have suffered with TMJ since I was in high school.  It had gotten to a point that I would have headaches and severe pain every day for the better part of two years.  I was feeling frustrated with the constant pain and it became worse.  I talked to my PCM and their answer was medication that made me feel like a zombie and then to refer me to an oral surgeon.

I prayed about it and didn’t have peace, so I stopped the meds and refused the surgery referral.  I took the chance despite my nervousness and walked into Keefer Chiropractic. I explained my situation.  Despite my hesitation, I decided to proceed with treatment.

The process began painfully but has been well worth the ups and downs.  Three weeks after treatment began, my headaches reduced drastically.  After approximately three months, I can say there has been drastic improvement to my overall quality of life.  I have had about five headaches in three months compared to headaches I was having daily.

I am a believer in chiropractic care!